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Content co-creation

Over the last 4 years of coaching entrepreneurs, I have encountered the same problem over and over again: business owners don't have the time or mental capacity to create content week after week.


The two biggest struggles they all usually have in common are that they don't have any ideas for posts (at least not over a longer period of time) or they DO have ideas but don't know how to actually bring them to life. This often makes them feel like "spaghetti throwers": they'll post content they think resonates with their audience but are actually never really sure it will.


That's why I saw the need for a new service that is a mix between a classic Done-For-You social media management package and hands-off coaching: content co-creation!

Hanna Rauch smiling into the camera

Who is content co-creation for?

You are a service-based business that uses Instagram to sell your services, courses, webinars...

You understand the importance of posting the right content on your social media pages but you are stuck when it comes to posting each week

When ideas pop into your head, you often struggle with putting them into practice aka making the actual post

You have a basic understanding of how social media works but find it hard to know what resonates with your audience

You want to be more consistent with posting on your socials because you know it can help you sign more clients

You want to spend less time thinking about what content to post & more time working with your clients

Making content for your socials doesn't have to be overwhelming.

How it works:

  • Each week, you get a variety of content ideas from me directly delivered to your inbox. These will include links to example posts and/or detailed instructions on what this could look like. You then go ahead and work on the content yourself.

  • Throughout the week, I'm only ever a message away if you need feedback on your content or want me to answer any social media questions.


  • There are no structured sessions included in this package, unlike in 1:1 coaching.

Hanna Rauch in her home office

$550 NZD/month
Minimum 3 months commitment

From prompt to post:

"Hey Jay, this week, you could create a post from this prompt: You booked a [enter a service you want to promote] - here's what happens next!

This post is great for explaining how a particular service works and what steps are involved. Extra points if you manage to highlight what makes your process better than your competitors'."

A screenshot of an Instagram message saying "Yes @hanna.rauch your prompts have been so valuable" by Jay Brooker

We combine both of our expertise: yours helps us to ensure that your content sounds like you, mine helps you to make content that converts & grows your business.

You don't have to think of ideas yourself and have more mental capacity for client work & other tasks in your business.

My expert eyes are on your business at all times & I'm only every a message away if you need feedback or support.

A phone frame showing a colourful Instagram feed by the brand MATER Beauty. There is also text "4 months  of content co-creation for the launch of MATER Beauty" and a screenshot from the account's analytics.

If you are looking for help with social media & are struggling to choose between all the average and same-ish social media "professionals"... STOP and talk to Hanna.

I was looking for someone that could go beyond just writing captions and could consider the strategic landscape of the entire launch.

I trialled working with two other SM people in the past and Hanna is in a whole different universe from them.

Petra - MATER Beauty

Ready to get going?

I can't wait to meet you!

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